Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What a Title !!!

The moment I reveal the name of my "treasured" blog, I witness raised eyebrows and hear the unbearable comment "What a name!!!" (Sigh)... Do you really want to know why, why , why this blog has been named so? Well, go back to your dictionaries and look for panorama. If I am not mistaken, it would show you a definition which would bear close semblance to "wide view" or "overall view". Dont mistake me for meandering away from dictionaries now, it is necessary.

Our experiences in life are varied. We are happy when things go our way and sad when they dont. In other words, we get only a small glimpse of what is in store for us. Little by little life unfolds and we experience varied feelings.

However, what would happen when we have a panoramic view of our life's road? As far as my understanding goes, we would know how and why our lives' events are linked. We would comprehend our purpose and goals better. How clear our minds would become !!!

Alas, the way things work, life is programmed to be a mystery waiting to be solved and that is why the panorama is hidden.

To sum up and further confuse all the "already confused" people (does that include me?!? I dont know), the hidden panorama referred to here is "LIFE" and the very concept of our existence.

Whew !!! that took a while but I guess my goal is accomplished. Atleast I hope so :P


Sumesh said...

Liked second para a lot... similar to my succinct perception of life. Talking about the hidden panaroma, I would love to see the big picture some day... not sure though whether its the depth or the width I am looking for!! ATB for the much expected upcoming brainstorming!

KB said...

yes, i guess this is what objectivism says (if one is talking purely of ayn rand) but it says a lot of other things i dont understand :) ) ... depth or the width... i think depth maybe infinite but width could be finite. your actions rule the width , how long you want to persevere in "life" .. i think that is what hindus call "the law of karma" .. am i meandering again?

Supreethi S said...

Bhar...Really liked the way u said life unfolds like a flower letting out the mysteries and panorama and how its hidden...wow...what a thought..!!..Of all ur blogs am really fascinated abt this titl-ing of the blog!