Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hope !

Sometimes, a series of failures can miraculously transform one's life. My most recent setback has brought to me, a new perspective to life and left me eternally indebted to some very special people. In fact, this blog post is dedicated to them!

I recently realized that 'a good friend' is someone who always, ALWAYS leaves you better than he/she found you. When I think of such people in my own life, the first person that comes to my mind is my mother. I do not understand how I did not realize this before but she has a refreshingly intellectual and spiritual way of helping me cope with my problems. She has already positively impacted and touched many lives around her in a variety of ways. While many ladies her age busy themselves in watching TV soaps, my mother spends her time learning The Gita, Yoga, reading great books,teaching the blind, serving in voluntary organizations and counselling school-going youth.

And then there is this set of extraordinarily awesome people to whom I always turn for positive energy - a few friends without whom I might have been non existent by now. I do not have their permission to use their names but whenever I see/talk to/meet them, I always end up aspiring to be a spectacularly wonderful human being, atleast to live up to their trust in me. They, like my mom, seldom emotionally sympathized with my problems. Instead, they assured me of my true potential and of the vast expanse of brilliant light beyond the seemingly dark situation.

As one such friend once told me - "Even when all appears to be lost, there is hope. You still have your brilliant mind, your healthy and wholesome body, your education, your knowledge and much more. This much is enough for you to lead a great life". How true !

Even in moments of distress, those words make me look forward to life because there is so much more to learn, so much more to give, so much more to love, so much more to be loved, so much more to see, so much more to understand, so much more to travel, so much more to read, so much more to laugh....the list goes on... yes! Life continues to be beautiful :)

1 comment:

PS said...

How very true.

It is the people in our lives what makes the journey worth it! :)

I am sure you will come out as a better person with each passing obstacle!