Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The MOTHER of all diseases

Nope, this ain't about AIDS or cancer. If it is true that most diseases have their root in the mind, then the darling mommy of all of them, according to me is - PROCRASTINATION. And I have been suffering from chronic procrastination since I was born. Yes, I think was ok until I came into this world because I was told I woke the hell out of everyone when I arrived at 5:00 am (wow, right?). And then, I saw the world, cried my bit and probably made a firm resolve - "what can be done today can also be done tomorrow, what can be done tomorrow can be done the day after". Bah ! Since then, as far as I have known, it always required an enormous, bitter struggle with mental and physical inertia to wake up as early as that. It is one thing to get up late and it is another to brood about how I got up so late for the rest of the day. And doing things at the right time? Hmm.. lets not even talk about it. I am tired !

I have read my share of books, seen many inspiring lives - including those of ants, bees and the like. In vain! I like living in the moment. So I enjoy it by postponing all important boring things :P.

No, I do not actually enjoy it. I stand as a witness to time floating past me and when it reaches the corner of the street, I start running as fast as I can to catch up with it. Call it luck or Divine Providence or Karma, I have never NOT caught up until now but I am sure my so-called luck balance is fast diminishing.

Recently, an experience sent shudders in me and woke me up. I spent a few days after that in a trance and consciously chose every single moment, to NOT procrastinate. And I was amazed at how much I could actually get done in 24 hours. I finished all my assignments in time, read a couple of books, completed all paperwork, cooked, did laundry, sang, danced. But then, as all good things have to come to an end, the trance is wearing off. However, the mental bliss, the satisfaction that it was time well spent, the memory of the slow and steady progress in work, the memory of the calm.. ah! I probably do not need a trance now. The memory is enough to get me going.

No, I still do not get up at 5. I can manage a 7:30 maybe. When I do become a regular at "Early to bed, Early to rise", I will throw a blog party (by writing a couple of blogs about it). But I do have other tiny accomplishments over the past fortnight. So yay for now :)

Ending this post with "the health anthem" -

Say Booooo to the mommy of diseases
To the one who breaks our peace to pieces
To the one who strongly refuses to leave us
Say booo booo booo to the mommy of diseases

Peace !

1 comment:

Sindhu said...

I must chant the health anthem, daily.

Can't pick a favorite from your wealth of metaphors while running around the corner to catch up with time.

Thanks for posting this.
