Saturday, November 10, 2012

"I would be lucky if I pass..."

... is what they generally say, while secretly they know they will do much better than just pass in an exam.  I am tired of such people. I mean, really.. what is their problem? I have seen them at school, lying over every petty thing. Then in college, lying over bigger things, acting miserable after an important interview while actually expecting an appointment letter any minute, making up low scores for the benefit of peers, especially "competitors" and of course, flinging the classic "I did not study at ALLLL.." piece of crap every now and then. Then I saw such rats at work, feigning as much disgust as they can over managers, clapping along with you over a light conversation about work, nodding vehemently about how we should all go talk to boss's boss about the former's oppression etc.. and at the same time, shamelessly sneaking into the boss's room and vomiting every single sentence and expression on him/her. Eeeeeeiiuuwww! 

What I did not however expect was to see such rodents here in graduate school, where one comes mostly to learn (at least that is the hope) and not to only score higher than some other random person. But NO! I was wrong. Grad school is not free of this kind of infestation. In fact, here people go a mile extra in such nonsense..."Oh, I have a problem with my brain, I cannot understand things so much" or "I got so confused in the exam, I did not know what to write, I might just fail" or "I just passed. I was given grace marks just for my attempts. I did not write anything" (Really? Was the teacher a fool? Or am I a fool?")  or "Thank God I am not the least in the class. When she said the least score was **, I was so sure it was me." or "Oh the interview? I did not understand a single question. He asked something, I answered something else".... and the list goes on.

If you ask them about their lying and such, you get wonderful answers. "I REALLY thought I would fail, it was just luck that I topped the exam. A miracle. Trust me" (Yawn!). Here is another interesting one. "I am protecting myself from the evil eye." (Uhh !!! Psycho!!!)

I have some news, mostly bad, for such people and it is as follows- "Nobody (except another stinker) cares about your grades or your interviews or your jobs and you know why? Cos you stink. Yes, you do. I know its kind of difficult to take but if you carefully sniff around you will realize that a truck load of stink is emanating from you. And you know who really people care about? Those who change the world. So every time you wag your tongue to lie about how horrible some worthless exam/interview was, ask yourself if you are going to win a Nobel prize for your performance. If not, do the whole world a big favor by stopping your wagging instantly. Thank you".


Anonymous said...

This is true, but as per my observation, this mostly applies to the desi junta in grad schools! The root cause is probably not the fault in the individual itself (in most cases) but the way people are groomed up in India that shapes their thoughts/behavior in such a way.

Roshan said...

Yeah I agree it is due to the society in which we grew up. If you talk positive, people keep taunting like
"Usne to sab padh liya hoga...","usko problem hi kya hai..."etc... Very few people ignore such comments. And moreover person lying on such petty topics, are also in the same teasing group. Given chance they also taunt others with such comments. So they become conscious that they should not be the target of such comments.

The bottom line is to just ignore their voice. Whether they studied or not or performed well in exam or not. It is not going to change our life even an inch. Yeah you may find it bad that you were feeling sad when he was lying and later when you found the truth that it was a lie, we may feel bad. So better to ignore such persons. Just hear and ignore don't listen :)

Anonymous said...

Just ignore such persons and don't spoil your mood. You should pity them . The tone of your blog indicates that you were very much upset with some incident recently . World is same whether you are in Chennai or Pilani or College station