Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brown Purse Blues

It takes one of those bright, chirpy mornings where you are all positive thought and energy and are looking forward to a day of "extreme" productivity , to realise you forgot your invaluable purse at your office desk the previous night. Then begins the most unceremonious descent of all nightmares on your day. Yes, this happened to me today.

I had just jotted down "action items" for the day when the disastrous memory struck. I felt like kicking myself hard enough to make me land on my office desk right then - (it would not have made any difference if my purse was actually stolen, anyway). The sunny morning suddenly became unbearably hot. With a heavy heart, I boarded my bus. The journey never seemed to end. When I finally managed to gasp, pant and run to my desk, I found a note from Security - "Claim your wallet from Security Desk". Whew !!! My bright, chirpy morning is back :) .

The point is - I wondered how everything (including me) changed instantly - the blessed instant being when I took my purse in my hands and held it securely tight. Just a while ago, I was anxious and tense. In a moment, I was all smiles and light. In fact shrewd observers would have noticed a light hop in my walk. I even managed to hum a song. The security guy made my day, indeed ! I thanked him immensely and mentally made a 'note' of a new 'note' to go into my newly acquired habit of making daily notes - "Check for purse and mobile before leaving office".


SK said...

Nice. Honesty must be promoted and to promote it , it must be rewarded.

KB said...

Hmm.. but how do you think I should have rewarded the guy who deposited my purse at the reception? (blink, blink). I actually wanted to atleast write a mail to security about how I was so pleased with that personnel. But i dont even know him :(