Sunday, October 28, 2012


Yesterday was a very special day. I had the privilege not just to enjoy a wonderful, inspiring,  melodious and transcending music recital but also to closely observe the true essence of companionship.

After the concert, it was dinner time at our host's home (I should rather say, palatial mansion). Amongst the 'Rasikas' (audience), there was a very old couple. Looking at them, one would estimate their ages to be 70+. While the elderly gentleman was able to just manage to walk, the lady was almost limping even with a walking stick. They both silently entered and enjoyed the music sitting next to each other. When it was dinner time, the gentleman got up while the lady continued to sit. He slowly made his way to the buffet place and meticulously filled a plate with food. He then walked carefully balancing the plate in his hands, to his wife and handed it to her. (It seemed like she was not healthy enough to help herself). He did not stop there. After handing her the plate, he went further in another direction and got her two pieces of tissue, while she gave him a beaming smile. If THIS is not true companionship, what is? I was immensely moved at the sight.

If you think I am promoting the concept of marriage by taking this sweet couple's example, you are mistaken, as even I was. Yesterday, I also came to know of a person who has lived alone for more than 2 decades (and yet is extremely cheerful and amazingly talented). He seems to find the greatest love and joy of existence in his own company, basking in the glorious light of his principles of simplicity.  And no, he did NOT show hints of any depressive tendencies (for the psychiatrists out there!) or misery. In fact, he is a great musician and a mathematician and am so fortunate to know him. If one is one's own true companion through the thick and thin of life, what else can one ask for? If THIS is not happiness, then what is?

Its is only a matter of choice - marry or remain single. The important part is to be true to the relationship (with partner or with oneself, respectively) in spite of what society's rules for men and women are, in spite of what one's relatives (including the closest ones) think or expect.

1 comment:

Sindhu said...

God bless them all, true companions !