Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bird poop and other important things

So we finally bought our first car. After almost a month of gathering information (mostly done by S), requesting quotes from all Honda dealers in the area, failing twice in making a deal, we saw light at the end of the car buyer's tunnel - and in that light we saw a brand new Honda Accord which we could call "our own".  Soon, the emotions began. The moment S and I saw our sparkling blue car, we decided it should sparkle for the rest of its life, that no harm shall ever befall our beloved vehicle and that we would guard it with utmost responsibility which included parking it a little away from other cars (lest their doors should bruise our dear one, you see). We took him (the attachment prevents me from referring to the car as 'it') to the temple, prayed for his well being and thanked the Lord for giving him to us. When we brought him home, we were ecstatic to find a secluded parking spot waiting for us and wept for joy (hyperbole, of course!) about how lucky he was. In wonderful spirits, after informing family and friends about his entry into our lives, we retired for the day. 

The next day turned out to be delightfully sunny and our new car sparkled more than ever. I wanted to drive him to work. The amateur driver that I am, I was half dead with tension before we could reach office - "Will I hit something when I am turning left?" or " Oh, why is this other goddamn car moving so close to us? What if he hits my love?" or "Oh God, please dont make me hurt him with my stupid driving". Anyway, we reached office but a little late (thanks to the fact that we are very "early" risers) and could not find the best parking spot. Disappointed, we parked him wherever we could and rushed to work. However, S went downstairs during lunch time and re-parked him in a better spot (in fact one of the best because it was a wider one) and all was well with the world again. Until evening !

We came back to our sparkling new car ready to go back home from work and what else should we see but a brilliant white, unusually long streak of bird poop all over the passenger seat side !!! Now, why a stupid bird chose OUR beloved car (of a few dozens) to relieve itself of its burden and how it (yes, even though its a living thing, I call it IT !) managed to do it in that unusual fashion, splashing its waste all over like it was some wonderful paint, confounded us. We were both silent during our ride home. And then it hit me (and probably S too though I am the more vocal one).

However much one might consciously take care to do the perfect thing in life, one just cannot stop shit from happening. And when shit does happen, unnecessary attachment to things (or even people or the ego-self) only brings sorrow. There will always be somebody or something that will act in a displeasing way, that will slander one, streak poop all over one's seemingly sparkling self. This is unavoidable. Period. The best that one can probably do in that situation is exactly what S and I did after getting back home. Take a pair of clean disinfectant tissues, wipe out the shit and walk away as happier people !

P.S. Yes, it is easier said than done :)


Ankit Gupta said...

I have seen this video before and your post make me to watch it again !!


vijju said...
